.......................... He was tentative at first. He would evaluate requests based on the timid criteria, “Can I actually fulfill this request, given the time and resources I have?” If the answer was no then he would refuse the request. He was pleasantly surprised to find that while people would at first look a little disappointed, they seemed to respect his honesty. Encouraged by his small wins he pushed back a bit more. Now when a request would come in he would pause and evaluate the request against tougher criteria: “Is this the very most important thing I should be doing with my time and resources right now?” If he couldn’t answer a definitive yes, then he would refuse the request. And once again to his delight, while his colleagues might initially seem disappointed, they soon began to respect him more for his refusal, not less. Emboldened, he began to apply these selective criteria to everything, not just direct requests. In his past life, he would always volunte...
Bagian yang paling berkesan bagi saya adalah ketika Mary Jackson diadili di pengadilan atas sebuah petisi yang membuatnya "bersalah" menurut hukum Virginia saat itu. Ia, warga berkulit hitam yg lantang mengikuti sekolah engineering di Hampton High School (sekolah di Virginia yang hanya ditujukan unt warga kulit putih). "Apa yg membuat orang berkulit hitam seperti Anda berani belajar di sekolah orang kulit putih?" Dalam pleidoinya, Mary mendekati hakim dan berdialog : M : Yang mulia, kalian semua harus paham pentingnya menjadi yang pertama. H : Apa maksudmu, Mrs.Jackson? M : Well, kau yg pertama di keluargamu : mengikuti angkatan bersenjata (US navy), yang pertama kuliah di Universitas (George mason), dan hakim provinsi pertama yang ditugaskan oleh 3 pemerintahan berturut-turut. H : kau telah melakukan beberapa penelitian. M : ya, Pak. H : Apa intinya? M : Intinya, yang Mulia....Tak ada wanita negro di Virginia yang pernah hadir di sekolah kulit pu...